A soul's cry

I walk through a million souls,

Yet sometimes I feel so alone,

An actor in life, I play many roles

I shriek in happiness, in despair I groan

What is the purpose of my being?

My inner voice calls out to me,

Is there a message I'm not really seeing?

My mind wants to read it, my soul is simply free

For the soul knows that there is no goal,

This drama I'm in does not reflect me,

There is no act, nor is there a role,

In the vast spiritual realm, I'm just a tiny bee

The real me resides in a place too deep.

The image in the mirror makes me vain,

In my subconscious, when I sleep,

I find the connection and lose all the pain.

As I awake and return to the grind,

Back to the world, where I laugh and weep,

In this state, I'm controlled by my mind,

My soul cries out, 'when will you sleep!'?