We must strive to recognize our differences,and yet celebrate our unity. We all aren't alike. Apart from being distinct physically, each person has a unique nature. Some are temperamental, some overemotional, some insensitive. Being any of these isn't necessarily wrong. It just is. But in a world that is increasingly intolerant, a slight deviation from our internal 'what's acceptable' filter is frowned upon. The first filter is looks. Why do we attach so much importance to one's physical appearance? So often we hear someone say 'She looks like a promiscuous woman'. Why? Just because she chooses to dress in a way not acceptable to us? We quickly term people as 'beautiful', 'ugly', 'too short', 'too tall', 'fat', 'skinny'...the list is endless. Our matrimonial adverts stem from such perceptions.
When we recognize that all of us are just the same, at the soul level, all our perceptions will disappear. If the 'six degrees of separation' theory is to be believed, then we're all related to one another by just six people. And even if there's no scientific basis to the theory, isn't it something nice to believe in anyway?
Love everyone, and respect and accept them for who they are...not what they look like. Look at each person as a soul who has chosen that body, whether it's obese, skinny, crippled...anything. See the beauty in every creation...and your own inner beauty will shine on the outside. And it'll be beauty that lasts. For what you judge, you will one day become.