I'm guilty of it too. I gaze into the mirror for hours, sometimes admiring the image that reflects back, and often criticizing it on 'off days'. And it's not restricted to my own image. I judge, criticize, comment, make random conclusions based on physical appearances. Or rather, I once did.
I've finally gone beyond looks. Sure, I might stop for a quick glance to check what the mirror is offering today, but that's about it. And maybe I haven't slept for days, or suddenly broken out, but it doesn't stop me from appreciating what I see. And the reason why I always like my reflection is because it's no longer about my external looks. My focus, almost entirely, has shifted to my world within. How I feel, I've realized, holds far more value than how I look.
Sometimes a glowing compliment or a caustic remark decides how the rest of your day will go – happy, enthusiastic and eager or sad, gloomy, and uninterested. But why? Why should anyone have that kind of power over you? So often, we long for a compliment, and when we don't get one, let disappointment set in. When someone mutters some unpleasant words about you, you take it to heart and let it affect your well-being. Majority of the population goes through this, but that doesn't mean it's normal. It's still insane.
We've all got to stop identifying with form. The physical body is subject to the unchallengeable law of mortality. But the soul isn't. So start focussing on the formless entity that resides inside you, and not the 'formfull' one outside. Don't look at magazines like GQ or Vogue and feel inferior about yourself. You're much bigger than that, and special in your own way. You don't need the media to put a stamp of approval on who you are, or who you should be.
And feel the love. It's the single most powerful emotion to transform everything – your life, your relationships, your career and most importantly – your spirit. In fact, you could call it Botox for your soul!