Life is what you make it

I can’t be one among the herd. I’m done dealing with personalities that are sickeningly obstinate, the kinds that derive an odd pleasure seeing heads nodding downwards in compliance and can’t stand heads moving sideways in dissent. I’ve always rebelled, silently and non-violently, against such authorities, and that all-pervading entity up there must really love me, for I’ve never had to pay a price for being me. I’ve charted my own path and my decision to live life on my own terms is a resolute one. The last 12 months have been vaguely interesting, and as with all experiences in life, there were rough times, happy times, boring times, crazy times, funny times, sad times, confusing times – you get the drift. But times of introspection were few and far between. I wasn’t in touch with my inner being - that wise, all-knowing spirit in there who has guided me and shown the way. My own fears, doubts, aspirations, and desires created this sheath of confusion around this spirit, who’s been struggling to make himself (or is it herself?) heard. Well, I’ve ripped apart that sheath and the voice is now clear. The dark clouds of uncertainty have parted, and a comforting rain is all set to drench me.

How can you achieve clarity in your life? Well, you can’t beat the sheer simplicity of this approach. Think of what you’d do, if you had infinite money. Don’t just trust the first answer that comes to your head. Take this seriously. What would you do if there was an absence of monetary ambition in your life? The answer could be anything. Dancing, acting, writing, painting, running a monastery, teaching underprivileged kids in a school, setting up an NGO, starting your own publishing house – whatever rocks your boat. Well, that’s your answer right there. That’s what you should be doing. Imagine, if people weren’t driven by money, they’d all be doing what they love doing, and nothing else. And what a society that would be – where money would a means to an end and not an end in itself. People would intrinsically know that if they genuinely love what they do, money will come find them. They wouldn’t have to do the searching. I’m 24, and I think I’ve figured this out quite early in life. But it’s never too late. Indulge in some soul-searching, and the answer will come, and once it does, as the old cliché goes, ‘there won’t be any looking back.’ A lot of people have spent their entire lives trying to build their dream homes, only to realize the bitter fact that they hardly have much time left to spend in that home. If your sole preoccupation is to achieve a healthy bank balance, you will get to that point, but at the cost of your mental and physical health. But if you’re obsessed, in a healthy way, about your passion, whatever it is, then the sheer satisfaction of your work will keep you healthy, the healthiest you’ve ever been. And such stellar health is bound to attract enough wealth.




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Rohan you're the JEDI mann. Im sure Eckhart Tolle wld get a hard dick readin your stuff...ashim


The foll comment had been deleted twice on previous accounts so as not to puncture the writer's fragile egosphere. But mann who gives a FUUUUUCCK?

Rohan wears his heart on his sleeve and discharges life lessons without any smack of pretense. And did he tell you, he's just 24. Dmann you are a fuuuuccckin iconoclast my friend...ashim